Getting Back on Track

The past few weeks have been a bit of a blur. You may already know that the mini-me has started kindergarten. Where I live, they have a program, where the first week of school the kindergartners only go for 1 hour each day. Then the second week of school is half days, and now, we are at the third week which mean she is now in school, 5 days a week for 8 hours a day, The idea is that they get use to being in school slowly and it allows them to adjust to the new environment and routine. It’s a  great program, and it has made the transition from pre-school to kindergarten easy and tear-free but, the downside is that  it has thrown my daily routine out of whack.

All the sudden I have time to do stuff. And I want to fill that time with everything from house hold duties ( blah!) to website building. blogging and of course, knitting.

Getting back on track is proving a little harder then I thought but, I’m finding my way slowly and surely.

Since my blogging has been sporadic at best, let me catch you up on what I’ve done this past week.

On my needles:

This weekend I decided enough was enough and I starting knitting myself a new pair of slippers. ( yup, I totally broke my no new projects rule). Its a classic checkerboard slipper pattern, and i’m using colours that I wouldn’t normally wear. However, I’m trying to use up my stash and sadly, I am out of hot pink. So blue and green it is.

The pattern is nice and easy but, does require colour changing so, you do need to be okay with switching yarns. It easy enough to knit while watching tv but,challenging enough I don’t fall asleep while knitting it.

I’m excited to get this slipper sewen up and then knit it a mate. I’m thinking these will be some cozy slippers and my feet will be toasty warm by the end of next weekend.

Bucket list

As mentioned above, I’m focusing on knitting through my stash and I’m focusing on finishing all my WIPS.

I’ll be spending some time this week, going through my stash AGAIN, and assign each ball of yarn a job ( a pattern) and then strategically knit through the patterns, But, first I need to get through those projects already started.

I’ve been contemplating doing this for some time and the idea came from my household budget. When I do up the budget for the month I give every dollar a name. I spend all the money on paper first and then divide up what goes where once its pay day. (yup, I listen to Dave Ramsey, before anyone asks.) So, one night while I was listening to Dave’s podcasts, I decided I should do this with my yarn. Give every ball of yarn a name. Knit it all up on paper and then strategically knit through my stash.

Another way to think of is that I have this really big goal ( knitting through my stash) and I’m just breaking it down in to bite size projects, Could be a complete disaster or it could really work… only time will tell.

I’ll be going more into detail with this plan of attack later on in the week so, stay tuned!

I’ll leave you with some raverly pattern inspiration and don’t forget to keep coming back to read all about my knitting adventures.

One day I want to knit….

The Guapa Cowl infinity scarf by Anne B. Hanssen.


Thanks for reading!


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