
Who am I?

Just a person like you, trying to find their way. You could define me ny many different labels including  (but not limited to) a mom, daughter, wife, sister, obsessive knitter, music lover, documentary watcher, and a friend.

I see the world differently than most.  I believe in compassion and love for all. I believe in listening to those who disagree with me because, ulitmatley that is how we learn. I can be stubborn and I am very opinionated. And although I have my faults, my intention are good. I want to understand the world and how it works. I want to understand people and their stories. I want to offer my perspective.

I don’t think for a second I can save the world but, I do believe in living by example. I am hoping by showing my “process” about how I navigate this thing called life, I can inspire someone to become a happier more  loving person. I don’t have all the answers. In fact, I’m pretty sure I don’t know much at all. I am perfectly imperfect, just like you.

2 thoughts on “About


    Hello, was wondering if you were knitting sesame Street sweaters. My daughter is turning 1 and of course she loves Elmo. My wife had the same idea you had with dressing us up in that theme. However the market is absolutely poor or non existent and then I stumbled upon your page but noticed you haven’t sold in 4 years. Thought I reach out in hopes of finding a solution.
    Thank you and best wishes.

    Jesus Ciriaco


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