Back to regularly scheduled knitting….and blogging.

The past two weeks I decided to take a little Smashlee stitches /blog  vacation.  My birthday was last week and I decided to just take some time to relax, knit and catch up on some Netflix.

Mr. Smashlee was also on holidays from work so, we did take some time and surprised the minis with a trip to an amusement park. 

I had no idea how exhausting that would be. I did nothing for two days after ; I was so tired. Almost like I had a popcorn, mini donuts, Pop, bumper car hangover. It was brutal. I didn’t even knit on 3 hours car ride home. Knitting seemed just too strenuous. The plus side is, the mini’s had a blast and we made some great memories.

My birthday revolved around Chinese food, British murder mystery shows from 1980s, sweat pants and the pinkest yummiest cupcakes I could find. Oh ya, and I knit too. Pretty much  a perfect Smashlee day.

So, now that my “vacation” is over let me show you what I knit over theses past 2 weeks. 

I’ve been a bit obsessed with slippers as you can see… And that is literally all I knit. I aimed for one pair a day, which didn’t exactly happen but, I’m still impressed with my progress.


These three pairs are for going to be for sale this fall . they are seamless, double soled and seriously amazingly comfortable. 

 The black pair is mr. Smashlee slippers. Yes, they are done but,there is a story behind them so, you’ll have to wait till tomorrow to hear about that. 
The red pair is the Ottawa Senators pair that is being donated to CHEO.

And the grey pair is for one my BFF’s future minis. 

There’s is another pair that is not featured here, as they being “felted” at the moment. I’ll be showing them off later this week.

The agenda for the next few days include slippers, slippers and slippers. And then on the weekend FINALLY finishing my moms sweater. But, in the meantime I’m stuck on what colour to use on my next pair of slippers, so please comment on this post  with your colour combo ideas. I’m thinking pink, pink and pink but, I know everyone doesn’t like pink as much as I do….

Thanks for reading!


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